though well feel that 25 years or lesser there is no reason not to think about
anti-ageing. Take a look at all these beautiful women who look amazing at age 40
and above in Bollywood or Hollywood. One of the ways they look so fab (aside
from great genes) is because they started taking care of their skin at an early
age. I know everyone would love to be one of those hot 40 year old in 20
years! How does one accomplish that? Simple just by learning about anti-ageing and putting it into practice as soon as possible.
The million
dollar question is how does skin ageing occur?
Before you can effectively prevent skin ageing it’s important to
understand what exactly causes our skin to look older. Here are some of the
main culprits behind wrinkles, sagging skin, and other factors that determine
how old your skin looks.
Sun Damage – You knew this one was coming, didn't you? Well you hear it everywhere because it’s true – the sun ages your
skin more than anything else. Literally a few minutes a day over the years is
enough to cause wrinkles; age spots, rough and leathery skin, a blotchy
complexion, and of course, skin cancer. People with fair skin see more skin
aging from sun exposure, but those with dark skin are not immune either.
Pollution – Car exhaust, smog, and other
pollution common in urban areas is another skin enemy. Pollution creates free
radicals, which are oxygen molecules that have been stripped of one of their
Lack of Moisture – They tell you to drink more water for a
reason! Dry skin is not a cause of aging, but a symptom – it’s actually a sign
that your skin isn't holding enough water for its repair enzymes to work
correctly. Basically, when the enzymes can’t work right, your skin can’t repair
the inflammation caused by the sun, excess sugar intake, and pollution.
Genetics – Unfortunately, a portion of your skin ageing comes from something you can’t control – your own genetic makeup. To a certain
extent, how our skin ages will mimic the way our parents’ skin aged. Of course,
genetics are only one piece of the puzzle, so even if you have bad skin genes,
it’s still possible to keep your skin looking great for many years to come!
it is very important to take care of our skin from our 20’s. There are many
products in the market for the same. But there is one product that takes care
of the problems L'Oreal Paris YouthCode Luminize.
It is come with new technology that definitely takes
care of all the anti-ageing problems with other signs like pigmentation.