Thursday, 21 February 2013

Refresh your skin with Shahnaz Husain Sharose Date Enriched Skin Toner

You might have heard that skin toner can do a number of things. Most confusion about toner stems from the fact that the term "toner" can be used to refer to several different types of beauty aids, including traditional toners, astringents and fresheners.

Traditional toners consist of moisturizers, oils and extracts that help soothe your skin. Astringents, which are generally alcohol-based, tighten the skin and pores and remove oil. Fresheners work similarly to astringents by tightening the skin, but they are made of ingredients like caffeine and green tea instead of alcohol. Because all of these different products can fall under the toner umbrella, it's easy to see why toner is touted for tightening and moisturizing the skin -- as well as maligned for drying it out. You may have heard a lot about toner working to balance the skin, particularly after using a cleanser that can throw off your pH balance. In all actuality, toner is not really necessary here, and your skin should balance itself out.

One of the best toners is Shahnaz Husain Sharose Date Enriched Skin Toner. The main reason being it has herbal qualities.

It is specially designed to tone and refresh the skin. Helps to remove oil and deep cleanse pores in pimple-prone skin. It helps to remove oil and deep cleanse pores in pimple-prone skin
It also helps to energize and invigorate the skin, making it look clearer and brighter. Specially designed to tone and refresh the skin and is suitable for all skin types.

How to Use?
Dab Shahnaz Husain Sharose Date Enriched Skin Tonic on face with cotton wool. It can be used several times during the day. Mixed with SHAGRAIN, it forms an effective exfoliate and facial scrub for oily skin.

You can now buy Shahnaz Husain products online from and avail the benifits of great discounts. 

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