Wednesday, 6 March 2013

File them and make them look perfect!

Filing your nails regularly will keep them smooth and shaped. It's the first step in a good manicure. Nearly everyone thinks that they know how to file their nails, but there is only one right way. The wrong ways can damage your nails and make them weaker. Here's how to do it properly

How to File Your Nails Properly thumbnail

There are certain dos and don’ts for the same they are:
Do: file your nails before soaking your hands. "You should file your nails only when they are completely dry," says Callen. "Use the softest grain on your emery board. File in one direction only, always working towards the centre. Take care not to file too deeply at the sides of the nail, which can weaken the nail wall."
One of the best filer is OPI Silver Cushioned Board File. Crafted of brown aluminum oxide durable enough for length reduction and gentle enough for surface contouring. Use on all nails. All OPI products specialize in nails it can be your finger nails or toe nails.

Don't: file your nails after a bath. The nails are too soft, and can break and flake. The other most common mistake is "zig-zag filing" - sawing back and forth with a file, which causes nails to peel and chip. Callen also cautions against over-enthusiastic buffing. "Many nail files come with buffers on one side, which can be used to help smooth out any ridges and give a nice, natural shine. These are great, but the tendency to overuse them can result in damage to the nails. We advise buffing maybe once a month."

You can now buy OPI products online from and avail the benefits of great discounts.

All these products are used for Salons in Mumbai as well.

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