Friday, 5 April 2013

Beer Shampoo mistaken for Beer! :P

Once I randomly tried putting egg in my hair because I heard it from somewhere that egg really helps in conditioning the hair… the result was quite weird... I mean even though my hair had become soft they stink throughout the day... Nevertheless I always continued with my vague experiments.
So the next on my list was curd and then finally beer. But while I was taking the beer bottle in the washroom, my mother started thinking otherwise and she followed me till the washroom and before I could lock the door she banged in and started yelling on me.. So when I explained that it was using beer to wash my hair and not to drink it she suggested me to use the Park Avenue Beer Shampoo.

She had ordered one from… Even she is up for experiments with hair after all she is my mom… Ya so she had ordered one, and I tried that on my hair too… fortunately with this one my hair just stinked beer only while I was washing it.. Later they became smooth and soft.
So all in all I liked Park AvenueBeer Shampoo. If you wan to try it too buy Park Avenue Beer Shampoo online at There you will exciting combos as well!

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