Thursday, 24 January 2013

Top 10 controversial writers

Writing is a profession where the main idea is about expressing one's own views or portraying great situations that are led by imaginary characters. There have been cases when the writers get trapped into several controversies after their work is published. This happens due to many reasons. Topyaps has presented "Top 10 controversial writers" in the following order:

  1. Vladimir Nabokov
  2. Mark Twain
  3. Salman Rushdie
  4. Sigmund Freud
  5. Voltaire
  6. Taslima Nasrin
  7. D.H. Lawerence
  8. J. D. Salinger
  9. Thomas Paine
  10. Judy Blume
These are the writers who are equally remembered for their controversies and their works. The reasons behind the development of controversies vary. Different types of issues have been developed by their works such as writing on censored topics, ridiculing a religion, public outrage, pornographic situations, racial remarks and arousing sexual feelings. Imagination is accepted but taking it to another level has made them the most controversial writers of all time.

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