Monday, 8 October 2012

Invisalign Braces: Helping Adults To Attain A Beautiful Smile

When someone mentions the word braces and they are referring to straightening teeth, the image of metal probably comes to mind first. Those awful metal braces that people had to wear for many years as a teen in order to keep teeth straight. However, Invisalign braces couldn’t be farther from what that image is. But what are Invisalign braces?

Invisalign is a product that can be used by both teens and adults, but is more popular for adults who didn’t have the chance to get braces as a teen and need them as an adult. Invisalign is most popular with adults because of its design. It is a clear, hard plastic that gets the teeth straight. The clear plastic is barely even noticeable to others when you are wearing them in public. Since it is less noticeable and more convenient because you take them in or out, they are a great fit for adults who work in offices or industries where traditional braces would not be an option.

Invisalign braces are fitted in an orthodontist’s office, just as any other type would be. The difference with this set is that there are two pieces. One for the top set of teeth and one for the bottom set of teeth, if both are needed for the patient. Some people only require straightening on one set or the other. The dentist uses the plastic pieces that go in over the teeth and work on straightening them. Gradually, the pieces are smaller or shaped in order to pull the teeth in to the position where they are supposed to be.

Depending on how crooked the teeth are will determine how long they need to be worn. Invisalign braces can be worn for a few months up to one year. The more they are put on will also shorten the amount of time they need to be worn. For example, some people choose to only wear them at night, when not at work or out with other people. When they are only worn at night, they might take longer to move the teeth back in to the correct position. For people who can wear them during the day or a few days out of each week, then the teeth will be moved in to the correct position faster and the Invisalign braces won’t need to be worn for an extended time.

Invisalign braces can be worn by any aged person. They need cleaning when taken out, but no other special care. They are convenient to have because the diet isn’t limited as to how it is with a set of metal braces in the mouth. Gum, hard foods and candy could never be eaten with metal braces, but to enjoy those foods with Invisalign, you simply remove them and eat, then replace when finished. Talking isn’t affected as much either with braces as it is with Invisalign. And since most people choose to not wear them during the day at work, their speech problem is never noticed.

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